Earth clones

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The planda, a well-known Earth clone

An Earth clone is an organism which evolves to be suspiciously similar to a species or lineage from the planet Earth. The term is usually used to refer to fauna, but Earth clone flora and microbes also exist.

Historically, Earth clones were often wiped out using plagues and other forms of metagaming. However, sentiment has changed over the years and some of them are now embraced as part of Sagan 4's unique history.

Earth clones can be thought of as the opposite of alienification.

List of Earth Clone Lineages

An Earth clone lineage will only be included on this list if it has at least 3 members. This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

  • alpha:Nodents: A branch of plent which are based on Earth rodents.
  • alpha:Phants: A branch of Plents which resemble various trunked herbivores of Earth, including elephants and tapirs, as well as some non-trunked Earth fauna such as pigs.
  • alpha:Shrews: A branch of Carpozoa which are direct clones of Earth mammals.
  • alpha:Shrooms: A branch of purple flora which are visual clones of mushrooms.
  • alpha:Shrubites: A branch of Binucleozoa which are visual clones of coral.

Individual Species Based on Specific Earth Species

A rare handful of Earth clones are so "cloney" that they match nearly 1:1 with a specific real-life species. Please do not submit these to Sagan 4.

  • alpha:Planda: Based directly on the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Not only does it match its Earth counterpart in appearance, but it also evolved from the meat-eating bear-like alpha:bearhogs to become entirely herbivorous and it feeds specifically on pambu, a lineage of bamboo-themed Earth clones.
  • alpha:Violet Kitshrox: Based on the red fox and fills a somewhat similar ecological role. Notably, however, it is intentionally based on stereotypes about foxes rather than real fox behavior.