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Redraws are a regular phenomenon where already-approved species are redrawn either by their creator or by a volunteer, often in better quality than the original image. Redraws by the original creator often replace the original image; an example of this is the wolvershrog. Redraws by other members are considered a type of supplementary image and usually go in a gallery at the bottom of the page.

Redraws may be done for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, a species' anatomy is unclear in the original artwork, or a major misinterpretation happened which must be explained. Sometimes, the original creator just redraws their species because they improved considerably and/or dislike the original artwork.

Redraws by users other than the species' original creator may sometimes be likened to fossil reconstructions and vary in canon status, but they must be approved by a staff member, so major inaccuracies rarely get through. User:OviraptorFan, the most prolific redraw artist, almost never redraws a species without consulting the original creator, only doing so if the creator has deliberately said they have no interest in participating in the project, so his redraws usually hold up to canon better than others, though not always.