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A retcon, short for retroactive continuity, is a term used to refer to instances where events or details about a fictional work are changed retroactively. On Sagan 4, retcons are often done to repair misinterpretation and to fix science errors.

Related to retcons is decanonized content, where a species, event, or other piece of content is outright removed from Sagan 4's canon. Species revival is also a type of retcon.

Known Major Retcons

Records of some retcons occurring have been lost to time as a result of the loss of the original forum. However, some from before the limbo are still known and they continue to happen to this day. This list is incomplete.

  • Plents were originally boneless, but were later retconned to have had wooden bones all along due to studies showing that boneless terrestrial megafauna are impossible and them being constantly misinterpreted as already having skeletons anyway.
  • The Four-Eyed Stumpworm was retconned to have eyes on its arms and its descendant, the Crawling Stumpworm, to have fused its arms together. Originally, the arms of the ancestral Sheilded Stumpworm had been misinterpreted as its head.