What Sagan 4 is not

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Sagan 4 is a collaborative speculative evolution project set on a hypothetical alien world. It aims to be accessible to artists of any skill level who have an interest in speculative evolution, however it does not aim to contain the full breadth of the speculative evolution genre.

Submissions and Content

Sagan 4 is not a free-for-all

All content on Sagan 4 must meet certain standards decided by the administration with help from the community. Intentionally implausible species and random ideas made with very little thought do not meet these standards.

Sagan 4 is not a spec wastebasket

A spec wastebasket is a speculative world populated primarily by repurposed ideas from other projects. Sagan 4 is a distinct world with its own clades, so submissions for Sagan 4 should be made specifically for Sagan 4.

This does not mean you can't reuse ideas from your older spec. Obviously, nobody is going to stop you from making a worm that convergently evolves a similar mandible specialization to an insect you made for a personal project. However, you should not actually repackage that speculative insect as a binucleid worm.

Sagan 4 is not immune to copyright law

Sagan 4 is original content which has a Patreon and sells merchandise. Further, by submitting a species to the project, you are granting us a license to use it. We cannot accept submissions based on copyrighted works for this reason--you do not have the legal right to give us a license to use species or characters from your favorite media, and we would get sued for making money off of it. This includes species from other speculative evolution projects.


Sagan 4 is not your personal spec project

Sagan 4 is collaborative and has many contributors. Sometimes, one contributor might make more species than average and have a significant impact on the project as a result. However, just making a lot of species does not grant any member special privileges nor the right to demand rejection of species that get in the way of their ideas.

Sagan 4 is not a battleground

It is okay to have playful rivalries with other Sagan 4 members, however the project itself is focused first and foremost on building an alien ecosystem. Disrupting the process for the sake of winning an argument will not be tolerated.